Thailand Industrial Standards require all pvc pipe manufacturers in Thailand to print markings every 2 meters on its pvc pipe to show the information about the pvc pipe manufactured. Nominal pipe size, Pressure Class, TIS. Standard, length of the pipe, year of manufacture, and name of manufacturer are required markings on the pipe.
Name of Manufacturer – On the PVC pipe, the name and logo of Thai Vinytech (2002) is printed, ensuring that the pvc pipes manufactured are of high quality.
Pipe Size – The diameter of the pipe is specified in millimeters and inches on the pipe. For example, 150 mm (6”) means that the pipe diameter is 150 millimeters or 6 inches.
Pressure Class – Pressure class determines the working pressure for the pvc pipe to be used at 27°C and has a unit of kilogram force per centimeter square (kgf/cm2) (1 MPa = 10.1972 kgf/cm2). For blue colored drinking water uPVC pipe produced according to TIS. 17-2561, 5 Pressure class have been introduced i.e., PN 5,PN 7, PN 8.5, PN 10.5 and PN 13.5 . For example, PN 5 uPVC pipes can have a working pressure of up to 5 bars.
TIS. or Thai Industrial Standard – Thai Vinytech (2002) uPVC pipe manufactured by Thai Vinytech (2002) Co., Ltd meets the Thai International Standard, where TIS. 17-2561 is the standard for rigid blue unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipe used for drinking water manufactured with lengths of 4 and 6 meters, and TIS. 216-2524 is the standard for rigid yellow uPVC conduit for electrical wiring and telecommunication cables.
Length of Pipe – uPVC pipes manufactured according to the Thai Industrial Standards are required to clearly specify the length of the pipe in meters. PVC pipe generally has a standard length of 4 meters.
Year of Manufacturing – uPVC pipes manufactured according to the Thai Industrial Standards are required to clearly specify the year of manufacture on the pipe.
Recycle Mark – uPVC pipes manufactured by Thai Vinytech (2002) have a recycle mark on the pipe to indicate and educate the consumer to recycle the pipe after it has been used, as pipes manufactured by Thai Vinytech (2002) use virgin polyvinyl chloride resins and are environmentally friendly.
Drinking Water Pipe – For Blue pvc pipes, it is a must to print “drinking water pipe” to ensure that the blue pvc is a high-quality pipe that is durable, strong, safe with no chemicals, thus suitable for use as a drinking water pipe.
Thai Vinytech (2002) Company Limited manufactures High quality uPVC and HDPE pipes and fittings in the Kingdom of Thailand under the trademark Thai Vinytech (2002). Thai Vinytech (2002) Company Limited uses high quality machineries with latest technologies to support customer needs in various industries. With over 25 years experience, Thai Vinytech (2002) have proven its product quality and high level of services to both domestic and international customers.
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